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Build a Bug Palace – Learn How Easy, Inexpensive Insect Hotels Can Enhance Your Habitat

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What is an Insect Hotel?
Part art, part habitat, insect (or bug) hotels are quickly catching on as an inexpensive, easy and fun way to provide food, shelter, and nesting and hibernation space to all manner of bugs: native bees, lacewings, beetles, ladybugs, etc.

View the on-demand webinar on how to easily and inexpensively build an Insect Hotel on your site.

Why an Insect Hotel?

  • These bug accommodations provide interesting, beautiful structures that complement their natural settings
  • They provide valuable habitat for bugs that are pollinators, or play other critical roles in your habitat
  • They offer an opportunity for hands-on employee and/or community engagement
  • Unlike most luxury hotels, they’re cheap – you don’t have to break the bank to build them, and most of the materials can be from resourced from your lands

Learn How to Build Your Own Insect Hotel
This webinar will give you the basic knowledge you need to create and easy, inexpensive Insect Hotel. You’ll also learn how an Insect Hotel can enhance your Conservation Certification grasslands, landscaping or pollinator projects, and how you can use these buggy domiciles as part of your education projects as well.

View the webinar