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Healthy Monarchs, Healthy Planet – Best Practices for Monarch Conservation

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Monarch butterflies are a beloved species throughout North America, known for their distinctive appearance and long-distance migration patterns. As the monarch is an important pollinator and indicator species, taking steps to reverse the recent dramatic decline in their population will benefit many organisms and habitats.

In this webinar, an educator from Monarch Joint Venture will provide an overview of monarch conservation, including guidance for constructing a monarch-friendly pollinator garden and other ways to support butterflies on corporate lands or in the back yard.

What you’ll learn:  

  • Why monarch butterflies are so important to conservation efforts
  • What threats monarchs face, and how to address them
  • Best practices for supporting monarchs and other pollinators on your land

Who should take this webinar:  

  • Corporate teams who want to start an on-site pollinator garden (or enhance an existing pollinator project) 
  • Anyone whose home or workplace is along a monarch migratory flyway 


  • Katie-Lyn Bunney, Education Coordinator, Monarch Joint Venture

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