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Marathon Petroleum Corporation

MPL Heath Ohio Station

Heath, Ohio, United States

Certified Silver through 2025

Project Name
Project Type
Birds and Water Fowl
Brown Bat
Bees & Butterflies
About the Program
Marathon Petroleum Corporation's MPL Heath Ohio Station encompasses 45 acres in Heath, Ohio, about 30 miles east of Columbus. Habitats on-site include grasslands and a vegetated wetland. The team works to enhance the habitat for native wildlife including bats, birds and other pollinators.

Practices and Impacts
  • Since 2012, the team has managed two grasslands areas. The team adds native wildflower seed mixtures and fertilizer as needed and monitors the vegetation.
  • The team also monitors a vegetated wetland on-site by conducting annual vegetation surveys. The wetland provides nesting habitat for waterfowl.
  • In 2012, the team installed two bat roosting boxes near the wetland. The boxes are monitored regularly for signs of use. Because no bats have used the boxes to date, the team relocated them in 2020 and 2021 and recently sprayed a bat attractant in hopes of attracting bats.
  • The team maintains the grassland area and has planted several types of native trees and shrubs and wildflowers. The vegetation chosen is specifically designed to attract birds, pollinators, bats and other wildlife while promoting a healthy ecosystem. In addition, the team continues to maintain swarm boxes and an insect hotel for carpenter bees, beetles and other beneficial insects.