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Building a Program on Your Remediation Site

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This course is tailored to those considering a habitat enhancement or education based program on their remediation sites. WHC is seeing an increased desire from companies to involve their closed or legacy site locations into WHC programs. These sites present many opportunities, but with challenges such as a lack of employee presence or negative community perceptions, how can a team successfully advance their habitat or education goals?

Join us for this one hour session to hear guest speakers from Bridgestone Americas, Inc., The Boeing Company, and BASF Corporation as they share their insights into creating successful wildlife habitat and education programs on their corporate remediation sites. This course will focus on the value and benefits of creating a habitat or education program on a remediation site, ways to engage the community in outreach and education initiatives, examples of successful projects, and strategies for overcoming common obstacles that are specific to the remediation context.

Learning goals:

  1. Learn the value and benefits of implementing habitat initiatives on remediated sites
  2. Learn ways to overcome common obstacles and challenges when implementing habitat initiatives on remediated sites
  3. Learn strategies for community engagement through outreach and education initiatives related to your remediation program
  4. Learn examples of successful programs implemented on remediation sites

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