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Vulcan Materials Company

Sacramento Aggregates, Inc.

Sacramento, California, United States

Certified through 2025

Project Name
Project Type
Triangle Rock Sacramento Tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor), House wren (Troglodytes aedon)

About the Program
Vulcan Materials Company has a qualifying project supporting cavity-nesting songbirds on its Sacramento Aggregates facility in Sacramento, California. The goal is to augment the riparian forest habitat by adding nesting sites, especially where cover is lacking. The project installed and monitor 24 nest boxes in 12 acres along Laguna Creek and within the 26-acre Laguna Creek Corridor Preserve. The project is located eight miles from the Consumnes River Watershed-Lower IBA. The project was initiated in 2015.

Practices and Impacts

  • Since 2015, the team have actively managed 12 acres of riparian habitat within the 26-acre Laguna Creek Corridor Preserve (LCCP) through the creation of nesting boxes for cavity-nesting songbird species and the planting of valley oaks. The nesting boxes provide additional habitat for cavity-nesting songbirds (including the tree swallow, house wren, ash-throated flycatcher and western bluebird) in an area that contains abundance of seeds, nectar, insects, water and plant material, all of which are useful to the birds.
  • The 24 nesting boxes are monitored and maintained monthly and repaired regularly during the breeding season and once in the Fall. In February 2021, one nest box was replaced and one was relocated. During 2020-2021, there was successful fledgling of 161 birds for an average of 4.7 birds fledged per nest.
  • In 2022, 10 nest boxes were added to the riparian corridor.