Semente Genética - Cachoeira Dourada/MG
Cachoeira Dourada, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Certified through 2025
Project Name
Project Type
About the Program
Semente Genética - Cachoeira Dourada/MG is a large industrial facility owned by Bayer Corporation in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, within the broader arid cerrado ecosystem. The cerrado biome has been facing great loss of natural areas due to land use changes and is internationally classified as a biodiversity hotspot, where conservation actions are required to minimize the effects of biodiversity loss.
Practices and Impacts
Semente Genética - Cachoeira Dourada/MG is a large industrial facility owned by Bayer Corporation in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, within the broader arid cerrado ecosystem. The cerrado biome has been facing great loss of natural areas due to land use changes and is internationally classified as a biodiversity hotspot, where conservation actions are required to minimize the effects of biodiversity loss.
Practices and Impacts
- The project monitors birds annually and also evaluates how habitat needs are being met.
- The associated habitat is an on-site forest habitat that links to off-site forests. The monitoring indicates a diverse flora (over 112 species) and the ecological value of the fragments of native vegetation present at the site.
- The forest fragments, restored areas and the nearby river on site provide nesting, foraging, shelter, water and movement corridors. These habitat needs were documented with photos and maps. Over one hundred species of plants were documented, with 60% providing fruit, seeds and nectar for avian species.
- In total, 173 bird species were recorded in the Bayer area, including three endemic species and five threatened or near-endangered species.