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Vulcan Materials Company

San Emidio Quarry

Bakersfield, California, United States

Certified through 2025

Project Name
Project Type
San Emidio Nest Box Project
About the Program
Vulcan Materials Company-owned San Emidio Quarry produces aggregate construction materials in Bakersfield, California. The property is adjacent to the San Emigdio Mountain Important Bird Area (IBA), a region that includes the 97,000-acre Wind Wolves Preserve. Since 2012, team members have collected an inventory of wildlife observations and sightings on 630 acres of property.  Additionally, the site supports an avian species project across 0.6 miles of land along the San Emigdio Creek around a local freshwater marsh. Furthermore, employees utilize a natural resource management consultant, Buada Associates, to assist in designing and monitoring an avian project on-site for success.

Practices and Impacts
  • Since 2015, team members installed 16 nest boxes on-site to provide safe breeding habitat for native avian species. The team monitors nest boxes monthly during breeding season using photos and visual observations, and manages the boxes as needed, having added, repaired and relocated boxes since the inception of the project.