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Bacardi-Martini USA

Puerto Rico

Catano, Puerto Rico, United States

Certified through 2024

Project Name
Project Type
Bats Study
About the Program
Bacardi-Martini USA has added species conservation efforts to their successful program associated with a rum factory plant outside of San Juan, Puerto Rico. Pollinator populations in Puerto Rico have been impacted by agricultural pesticides, lack of knowledge about the importance of the pollinators to the Island's ecosystem and Hurricane Maria in 2017. Forested and landscaped habitats, including six pollinator gardens, help to promote the presence and abundance of pollinators such as bats, bees, and butterflies. By protecting habitats, Bacardi-Martini aims to enhance local biodiversity.
Practices and Impacts
  • Six employees coordinate with Bats Conservation Program of Puerto Rico, install and monitor bat houses and assist with monitoring.
  • Initial baseline data was collected using Anabat acoustic detectors to identify species of bats in the area. A total of eight species were identified. Capture using mist nets was conducted in 2021 and 2022. Bats are identified, weighed, measured and released.
  • The facility has a quiet forested area that supports bats. Fruit trees and a pond on-site provide essential habitat needs of water and foraging. Seven bat houses were installed.
  • New trees were planted where high bat activity was detected during monitoring.
  • The company has ongoing bat habitat and monitoring programs at its Puerto Rico and/or Florida facilities.