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Covia Holdings LLC

COVIA Planta San Juan

San Juan Evangelista, Veracruz, Mexico

Certified through 2025

Project Name
Project Type
San Juan
About the Program
Covia’s Planta San Juan is responsible for restoring and reforesting areas that have been adversely affected by mining operations in the state of Veracruz, Mexico. Contrary to the arid desert regions of the north of Mexico where multiple other Covia plants are located, the Veracruz site is situated in a forest ecosystem. The Covia Planta San Juan has actively managed 21.5 acres of forest since 2016, and the team works with biologists from the Ecology Institute (INECOL) and state and local governments to institute and conduct ecosystem and site studies.

Practices and Impacts
  • Since August 2015, the project has engaged a core group of employees, contractors and families in training to develop knowledge and skills that support restoration activities and an associated plant nursery.
  • Through presentations, field training and the use of physical examples, the project supports awareness development and training in best practices. 
  • The initiative has shown employees' increased care for the environment and resulted in a nursery that produces high-quality seedlings for ongoing reforestation needs.