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Delaware Recyclable Products Inc

New Castle, Delaware, United States

Certified through 2025

Project Name
Project Type
Pollinator Garden
Bluebird Box Monitoring
Kestrel Partnership Program
About the Program
WM's Delaware Recyclable Products Inc (DRPI) is located in Delaware at a 204-acre landfill grassland property. The team manages two avian projects with bird boxes installed around the property to support native avian species on-site, aiding in their breeding and shelter.  The conservation objective for the grassland is to maintain a healthy habitat that supports American kestrel populations, bluebirds, pollinators and other wildlife species that live on and near the DRPI property.

Practices and Impacts
  • The DRPI Landfill Wildlife Habitat team continues to monitor the pollinator garden. The garden plantings began to take hold once the team re-evaluated the soil composition in 2021. Once new soil was introduced into the garden, milkweed and other flowering plants began to thrive in the garden.
  • In the fall of 2019, the wildlife habitat team constructed and erected four bluebird boxes around the landfill property perimeter. The DRPI habitat team continues to maintain the four boxes since 2019. Considerations to relocate the boxes are discussed with the team. The team is seeing some bluebirds and tree swallows, but house wrens have also tried to claim the boxes. 
  • Three kestrel nest boxes include clean wood shavings and are monitored for potential issues and activity. The team observed American kestrels on the site through 2022 and 2023, but the birds have not nested in the boxes. Project partners from the Brandywine Zoo/DNREC are recommending relocating the boxes to find locations more attractive for nesting American kestrels.