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Across Fence Lines Initiative

Connecting corporate America to communities through public-private forestry

Across Fence Lines connected corporate conservation, forestry groups, and community partners to local, regional and national goals for urban and community forestry. With funding from USFS Urban and Community Forestry Program, the following products inspired action and guide implementation of community-first efforts for forestry.

The WHC Across Fences Lines Initiative was made possible through a grant from the USDA Forest Service as part of its 2020 Urban and Community Forestry Challenge Cost Share Grant Program

Road Map for Engagement

The Road Map for Engagement shows the journey a company can take towards urban and community forestry projects. The Road Map illustrates the considerations unique to private sector engagement.

UCF Road Map Infographic

Decision Tree

The Decision Tree highlights the various decision points needed to connect corporate vision for forestry to actualization. It centers the decision making process on the common business drivers for corporate conservation, and provides cues for assessing risk and identifying opportunities.

Decision Tree Infographic


The Toolkits provide detailed information to support corporate efforts to engage partners and stakeholders; leverage their urban and community forestry work for education purposes and; adopt best practices in implementation from species siting and selection to monitoring and maintenance.

How Global Business Conceive of and Implement Urban and Community Forest Projects
