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Go “Batty” for Bat Week: Everything You Need to Host an Amazing Bat Event

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Each year, Bat Week is observed October 24-31 worldwide — it’s a time to celebrate the incredibly important role that bats play in our ecosystems, economies and cultures. Hosting an event during Bat Week is an excellent opportunity to educate and engage the community on bats, whether that’s through a large bat festival or a small classroom activity. However, the prospect of developing and implementing a new event can be daunting — that’s where this webinar comes in! 

Representatives from Bat Week, an international coalition of federal and private sector partners working towards awareness of bats, will share the existing resources that can help you get your event started. From ready-made trunks of educational materials to step-by-step guides for planning various bat-themed events, you’ll hear about the new and exciting resources Bat Week has to offer, as well as tips and tricks for hosting a successful bat event! 

What you’ll learn: 

  • The history of Bat Week and the importance of this observance 
  • What resources exist to aid in the creation of a new Bat Week event 
  • How Bat Week events can support WHC Certification 

Who should take this webinar: 

  • Corporate conservation projects focused on bats that want to expand their efforts 
  • Educators interested in finding new ways to teach about bats 
  • Bat enthusiasts looking for resources on how to start a new Bat Week event 


  • Susan Chappel, Park Ranger, Arizona State Parks and Trails 
  • Raquel Lugo, National Cave and Karst Research Institute
  • Thelma Redick, Co-Chair, Bat Week 
  • Melissa Scheiber, Senior Manager, Events, WHC 
  • Kim Winter, Director of Conservation Education, USDA Forest Service