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It Takes a Team: Building Equitable Partnerships for Watershed Conservation

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Collaborative partnerships strengthen all conservation and restoration efforts, and since watersheds span various communities and regions, building strong partnerships between impacted parties is particularly important. One of the key elements of a collaborative watershed protection effort is equity — reducing barriers for participation and ensuring that involvement efforts are accessible for a wide audience.

In this webinar made possible by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation’s Five Star and Urban Waters Restoration Grant Program, members of a collaborative effort from Seattle, Washington, will share their experiences developing an equitable partnership for watershed conservation. Attendees will hear how Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust, ECOSS and Seattle Parks and Recreation came together to meet a need, the challenges the team encountered and the successes they achieved.

What you’ll learn:

  • Why partnerships are valuable for watershed conservation efforts
  • How to develop and strengthen relationships with federal and state agencies, NGOs, community organizations and more
  • How to create equitable and accessible conservation opportunities

Who should take this webinar:

  • Prospective or current Five Star grantees or current looking to enhance their watershed projects
  • Corporate projects interested in building partnerships with NGOs, agencies or community groups
  • Conservation organizations that want to expand their watershed conservation efforts


  • Lisa Ciecko, Manager, Green Seattle Partnership, Seattle Parks and Recreation
  • Mackenzie Dolstad, Field Programs Senior Manager, Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust
  • Chris Liu, Community Partnerships & Projects Manager, Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust
  • Miranda Perez, Senior Program Manager, ECOSS